At CedrusMed, we put our clients first, therefore good customer support is crucial. Clients can reach out regarding any questions, issues, or suggestions they may have regarding the system through email, using the “Submit A Request” feature, or by texting/calling our technical support phone line: 1(888)233-7879. Our goal is to solve any problem our clients have as promptly as possible and with all of the patience and kindness our clients deserve. CedrusMed clients are guaranteed to leave each interaction satisfied and comfortable to call whenever help is needed again.
In an industry as complex as Mental Health, specialists may meet some setbacks or make some mistakes and need some guidance when first getting started. Specialists mostly call regarding the direction in what steps to take if they have made a first-time mistake or if they don’t know how to complete a specific task. Specialists also like to call to inquire about future additions they would like to be made to the system. These suggestions are all taken with importance and submitted to engineering for revision and future implementation.
Every day is different for technical support. Because the software is catered to fit the needs of each specialist, we have contact with all types of clients like agency owners, case managers, agency clerks, etc. on a daily basis. Calls may take from 5 minutes to 45, depending on the client’s needs and the gravity of the situation.
The software works with our clients using a remote connection tool which allows technical support to connect to a client’s computer in order to see and access control of it; essentially, this allows us to get to the root of the problem in the best way for the client to understand direction. Clients are given clear step-by-step instructions on how to solve a problem once encountered, and this way, clients learn how to problem-solve within the system efficiently.
Because CedrusMed works so closely with clients, there is often a lot of contact with technical support regarding new features specialists believe will benefit the system. The CedrusMed software is updated each day when clients log back into their accounts with either new features or fixes for any errors found. All a client has to do in order to suggest a new feature is either call technical support or leave a request using the program’s “Submit A Request” feature.
Technical support is the line of communication between CedrusMed’s clients and engineering. Quality assurance is of key importance, and we work diligently to make sure our clients don’t experience any errors, although some may get past. This is why we value communication with all of our customers. The moment a client experiences an error, or what they may view as an error, they can contact technical support which will work hard to get to the root of the problem and find a solution or pass the error on to engineering. Once an error has been inspected and passed on to engineering, finding a solution takes priority.
CedrusMed takes pride in its connection with clients. Our clients know they can count on us to provide them with the best possible product, solution, and guidance.