Organize and manage agency operations easily.
Total visibility into your business.
Instant access flow to facilitate repetitive work.
Make decisions based on current agency data.

Automatic billing generation.
Download client’s billing report.
Quickly access to the related documents.
Access to billing history.
Organize and manage clients information easily.
Add and edit client demographics.
Manage eligibility and authorizations.
Manage diagnosis, medical doctor, and pharmacy information.
Upload personal documents (IDs, etc).

Organize and manage cases information easily.
Add and edit cases information.
Manage Intake & Legal Forms.
Manage Progress Notes.
Upload supporting documtents.
Progress Notes.
Create Progress Note (Billable & Non-Billable) easily.
Create and edit Progress Notes.
Use electronic signature.
Link progress notes to goals and objectives.
Auto-generate billing information.

Intake & Legal Forms.
Create intake documents easily.
Create and edit Intake & Legal Forms.
Use electronic signature.
Link Adult Certification with certification note.
FARS and Factor Analysis table.
Organize and manage services easily.
Prevent overlapping across-platform.
Calendar schedule planning for better services.

View Pricing.
Contact us today for pricing assistance. You and your specialists can work virtually from anywhere.
We have been helping Community Mental Health and Targeted Case Management agencies reduce costs, manage private insurances to comply with new regulations from Medicaid, and many other benefits.