If you or someone you know is struggling with a mental health diagnosis, Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services (PSR) may be able to help. PSR is a skills-based program that helps people learn how to manage their symptoms and live independently in their communities.
PSR can be an intensive, short-term experience that allows people to regain or develop the skills they need to cope with their mental illness if this sounds like something that could benefit you or someone you love, reach out to a local mental health agency that specializes in this type of therapy.
PSR services are provided by Community Mental Health (CMH) agencies or other certified mental health providers.
PSR groups typically meet up to 12 clients and focus weekly on topics like medication management, stress reduction, problem-solving, and developing a support network to help them go through life challenges due to their specific diagnosis.
PSR therapy uses objectives that are part of the Master Treatment Plan (MTP) tailored for them, based on collected information during the client’s initial interview for a Psychiatric Evaluation (PE) and Bio-Psychological Assessment (BIO). PSR groups help clients by providing psychoeducation about their disorder, working on skills to manage their symptoms, and increasing support systems.
PSR focuses on helping the client learn how to cope with their symptoms to lead a more independent life.
In conclusion, clients with mild mental health illnesses can be rehabilitated using PSR services and reinserted into the community, having a better quality of life.
If you or someone you know is struggling with a mental health diagnosis, reach out to your local mental health agency today. Taking the first step toward recovery is always the hardest, but it’s worth it!