Version 2.116.1 (Jan 22, 2025)

  1. C71.9: Malignant neoplasm of brain, unspecified and G40.90: Epilepsy, unspecified, not intractable, ICD-10 codes added.

Version 2.115.5 (Jan 08, 2025)

  1. R62.50 Unspecified lack of expected normal physiological development in childhood ICD-10 code added.

Version 2.115.3 (Nov 15, 2024)

  1. Performance improvements for faster case loading and enhanced validation for report downloads.

Version 2.114.5 (Nov 13, 2024)

  1. Prevent multiple open cases for the same client. Additionally, clients with an open case cannot be discharged.

Version 2.114.2 (Oct 24, 2024)

  1. Adding Place of Services: Assisted Living Facility (13), Group Home (14), and Nursing Home (32).

Version 2.113.10 (Oct 22, 2024)

  1. Allows recovery of deleted diagnoses from the trash.
  2. Enables searching for clients by their email portal access and recipient ID.

Version 2.112.10 (Oct 10, 2024)

  1. Allow administrators to change user account emails. Security improvements implemented.

Version 2.112.0 (Oct 03, 2024)

  1. Allows modification of the actual-time duration of each client’s therapy session when creating progress notes. This enhancement enables therapists to tailor sessions more effectively, accommodating individual client needs and preferences.

Version 2.111.3 (Sep 25, 2024)

  1. General improvements have been made in the areas of Nurse Practitioner employee creation, Insurance and Authorizations editing, Person or Client search validation, Account Activation and Password Reset styling, TCM progress note procedure code validation, sign-in error message styling, service duration changes in TCM, and the functionality of the “Sing” button when assistance is removed.

Version 2.111.0 (Sep 19, 2024)

  1. A configuration to disallow service creation without an active CMH treatment Plan has been added.

Version 2.110.7 (Aug 29, 2024)

  1. General UI Improvements.

Version 2.110.5 (Aug 16, 2024)

  1. Active IT Clients report added.
  2. Specialist Name column added to Active Psychiatry Clients report.
  1. (FIXED) Issue with DxCode loading when creating FAR and CFARS documents in TCM.

Version 2.110.1 (Aug 15, 2024)

  1. Psychiatrist Documentation Fields: Increased length for Psychiatrist documentation fields (PE & Follow-Up).
  2. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS): Added recommended services for TMS to the PE section.

Version 2.109.1 (Aug 13, 2024)

  1. Billing Report: Added Secondary DxCode information to the TCM and CMH billing reports.
  2. Diagnosis Listing: Updated diagnosis listing in the client edition to include Secondary DxCode information.
  3. Diagnosis Editing: Added a confirmation dialog for editing diagnoses.
  1. (FIXED) Issue with styling in the TCM Summary of Services.

Version 2.108.3 (Aug 6, 2024)

  1. Increased character length for Presenting Problems and Closing Summary on the TCM Discharge Summary document.
  2. Enabled document deletion from QA, Pre-Admission, FAR, and CFAR in TCM and CMH.
  1. (FIXED) Issue with the Discharge Summary document in CMH displaying the agency logo on all pages.

Version 2.107.1 (Aug 1, 2024)

  1. Exclude group participants (count) from PDF (PSR, GT, CH) based on configuration.
  2. ICD-10 codes updated (R41.840).

Version 2.106.0 (Jul 31, 2024)

  1. Allowing the creation of MTP/MTPR using telehealth (GT/CR).

Version 2.105.5 (Jul 22, 2024)

  1. Upgraded the user interface to enhance performance and overall user experience.

Version 2.103.1 (May 17, 2024)

  1. Configuration: Limit client information modifications to administrative personnel only.

Version 2.102.3 (May 09, 2024)

  1. Allow administrators to hard reset passwords for clients.

Version 2.102.0 (May 03, 2024)

  1. Configuration to Enable Removal of Password Protection for Document Downloads.

Version 2.101.23 (May 01, 2024)

  1. General UI Improvements.

Version 2.101.17 (Apr 27, 2024)

  1. General adjustments to enhance system speed.

Version 2.101.11 (Apr 22, 2024)

  1. (FIXED) Issue with Google Chrome Version 124.0.6367.62 when using Multi-Select

Version 2.101.9 (Apr 19, 2024)

  1. Improvements when downloading images

Version 2.101.5 (Apr 15, 2024)

  1. ICD-10 diagnostic codes data updated (F03.92, F03.C2, F03.C3, F03.C11, F03.C18)

Version 2.101.4 (Apr 12, 2024)

  1. Denied status added to billing report.

Version 2.100.8 (Mar 25, 2024)

  1. (FIXED) Issue when creating a psychiatric evaluation schedule fee.

Version 2.100.4 (Mar 13, 2024)

  1. CMH Schedule Fee Configuration implemented.

Version 2.99.0 (Feb 28, 2024)

  1. CMH Psychosocial Rehabilitation agency configuration added. ICD-10 codes updated (F89).

Version 2.98.14 (Feb 27, 2024)

  1. TCM Progress Notes templates enhancements.

Version 2.98.12 (Feb 27, 2024)

  1. Download Cases feature enhancements.

Version 2.98.11 (Jan 30, 2024)

  1. Improved Intake & Legal forms loading speed during case edits.

Version 2.98.5 (Jan 12, 2024)

  1. Security software enhancements.

Version 2.98.4 (Dec 20, 2023)

  1. Improved CMH Progress Notes loading speed during case edits.

Version 2.97.1 (Dec 08, 2023)

  1. Enable Batch Rejection from the Dashboard for Supervisors and Clinical Directors.

Version 2.96.9 (Dec 06, 2023)

  1. (FIXED) CMH Billing report issue when viewing documents.

Version 2.96.7 (Dec 05, 2023)

  1. Enhancements to the Reference Name filter in the Progress Notes search functionality.

Version 2.96.3 (Dec 01, 2023)

  1. Enabling search all progress notes based on Reference Name (TCM) when editing cases has been completed.

Version 2.95.3 (Nov 13, 2023)

  1. TCM Configuration options have been added to facilitate the control of the billing section for QA personnel.

Version 2.94.1 (Nov 04, 2023)

  1. No refresh occurs when canceling or closing a TCM Progress Note.

Version 2.94.0 (Nov 01, 2023)

  1. Improved TCM Progress Notes loading speed during case edits.

Version 2.92.1 (Oct 26, 2023)

  1. Enhancements for loading FARS factor analysis implemented.

Version 2.92.0 (Oct 25, 2023)

  1. Enhancements for downloading cases have been implemented.

Version 2.91.3 (Oct 18, 2023)

  1. Optimized Dashboard and Report load times.
  1. (FIXED) Issue related to downloading the TCM payroll report.

Version 2.91.1 (Oct 14, 2023)

  1. TCM Downloads Cases has been enhanced for better performance.

Version 2.90.0 (Oct 12, 2023)

  1. Non Billed Report has been enhanced for better performance.

Version 2.89.0 (Oct 11, 2023)

  1. The TCM Calendar has been enhanced for better performance while loading services.

Version 2.88.3 (Oct 06, 2023)

  1. Dynamic TCM Fee Schedule Management: Configure Rates by Date Range, Procedure Type, and Rate within Settings.

Version 2.86.7 (Oct 01, 2023)

  1. Added ‘Clinical Director’ and ‘Clinical Psychologist’ options to the client referral section.
  1. (FIXED) Missing Authorization Number when downloading the “Classic Report” from the new TCM billing report.
  2. (FIXED) Issue with the Client/Employee signature where the ‘Save’ button could be clicked multiple times.

Version 2.86.0 (Sep 28, 2023)

  1. The CMH Calendar has been enhanced for better performance while loading services.

Version 2.85.2 (Sep 07, 2023)

  1. (FIXED) Procedure code missing when downloading new CMH billing report.

Version 2.85.1 (Sep 06, 2023)

  1. Extended Billing Report (Superbill) implemented for CMH. Enables receipt of EOB payments and facilitates reconciliation.

Version 2.84.2 (Sep 01, 2023)

  1. Enabled the capability to download Classic billing reports from the new TCM billing report.

Version 2.84.1 (Jul 27, 2023)

  1. Carelon > Simply Healthy Kids insurance added.

Version 2.84.0 (Jul 11, 2023)

  1. Performance Optimization when loading client’s data.

Version 2.83.0 (Jul 01, 2023)

  1. Smart Repository tool was added to Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Group Therapy and Clubhouse.

Version 2.82.4 (Jun 07, 2023)

  1. Carelon >CarePlus Health Plans insurance added.

Version 2.82.3 (May 23, 2023)

  1. Save & Check Overlapping implemented when saving a progress note for Admins, QAs, and Supervisors.

Version 2.82.2 (May 10, 2023)

  1. TCM algorithm for overlapping check was optimized.

Version 2.82.1 (Apr 26, 2023)

  1. Service time was added to FARS and MTP PDF documents.

Version 2.82.0 (Apr 05, 2023)

  1. KPIs Reports updated. Allow ordering reports within sections.

Version 2.81.1 (Apr 01, 2023)

  1. CedrusMed Payroll Reporting System for TCM was updated. Case Managers, Supervisors, and accounting staff can download payroll reports with details for each billing period.

Version 2.80.1 (Mar 29, 2023)

  1. Allow to manually modify Rather Education/Specialty field in FARS/CFARS (CMH & TCM).

Version 2.79.0 (Mar 26, 2023)

  1. Increase the number of characters for Psychiatric Medical History and Psychiatrist Problems in TCM assessment.

Version 2.78.2 (Mar 24, 2023)

  1. Allow transferring documents between the cases of the same client (CMH & TCM).

Version 2.77.6 (Mar 22, 2023)

  1. Allow uploading attachments (Human Resource Documents) under employees.

Version 2.77.1 (Mar 17, 2023)

  1. Beacon insurance was renamed Carelon. Carelon > HealthSun insurance added.

Version 2.77.0 (Mar 14, 2023)

  1. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) section was added to reports (CMH & TCM).

Version 2.76.5 (Mar 8, 2023)

  1. ICD-10 diagnostic codes data updated.

Version 2.76.4 (Mar 7, 2023)

  1. CMH Overlapping validation based on agency configuration implemented.

Version 2.75.1 (Feb 16, 2023)

  1. Allow Supervisors to Close cases and Discharge clients based on Agency’s configuration (TCM).

Version 2.74.4 (Feb 04, 2023)

  1. Allow managing client portal access invitations. (Remove, Update, and Resend).

Version 2.73.1 (Feb 02, 2023)

  1. Allow changing Case Number sequence from Maintenance (TCM & CMH).

Version 2.72.7 (Jan 31, 2023)

  1. Allow revealing the full Client’s SSN. Add Medicaid Free (Unit Authorizations) option to allow control units for Free Medicaid clients.

Version 2.72.5 (Jan 27, 2023)

  1. CedrusMed Insurance Providers information updated (BSN > Aetna Better Health MMA added).

Version 2.72.4 (Jan 26, 2023)

  1. CedrusMed Insurance Providers information updated.

Version 2.71.2 (Jan 22, 2023)

  1. (FIXED) Issue when creating PSR, GT, and CH services using Office as a place of service.

Version 2.71.1 (Jan 18, 2023)

  1. (FIXED) Issue when adding attendance to a PSR, GT, or CH therapy.

Version 2.72.0 (Jan 15, 2023)

  1. TCM billing system refactored (loading speed reduced from 95% to 99% to boost the app’s performance).

Version 2.71.2 (Jan 12, 2023)

  1. (FIXED) Datetime validation randomly fails when creating a Progress Note using Spanish as the default browser and OS language.

Version 2.71.0 (Jan 10, 2023)

  1. Additional Page added to Appendix J (Adult Certification). Use the Extended Certification option added to TCM Configuration.

Version 2.70.5 (Jan 5, 2023)

  1. (FIXED) Issue when creating a note from the Calendar after canceling a Copy Note from Case Edit.

Version 2.70.4 (Dec 9, 2022)

  1. New fields added to Assessment Lite (short version).

Version 2.69.1 (Dec 2, 2022)

  1. Assessment Lite (short version) added to CedrusMed (TCM). Through the configuration, the agencies will be able to choose which version of the assessment for TCM they want to use (Full or Lite). The Assessment Lite is a revised, shorter version (Form v3.2.1.0 – Rev. 11/2022) of the original CedrusMed Case Management Assessment.

Version 2.68.2 (Nov 15, 2022)

  1. Allow entering Explanation of Benefits (EOBs) payments from the billing report for TCM.

Version 2.67.4 (Nov 8, 2022)

  1. New billing report added for TCM.

Version 2.66.1 (Oct 27, 2022)

  1. Link to CedrusMed Changelog page added.

Version 2.66.0 (Oct 25, 2022)

  1. CedrusMed Real-time Dynamic Report Engine implemented.

Version 2.65.1 (Oct 20, 2022)

  1. The number of participants for PSR, GT, and CH was added to the progress notes.

Version 2.64.0 (Oct 8, 2022)

  1. Pain Scale added to TCM Assessment.

Version 2.63.0 (Oct 6, 2022)

  1. Allow configuring the number of allowed Progress Notes without a completed service Plan (TCM).

Version 2.62.0 (Oct 1, 2022)

  1. Client Access Portal added to CedrusMed.

Version 2.61.6 (Sep 27, 2022)

  1. CedrusMed Network link added to the login page.

Version 2.61.5 (Sep 25, 2022)

  1. Clubhouse services notes were added to the download case tool.
  2. Intellectual disabilities ICD-10 (F70-F79) codes added.

Version 2.61.4 (Sep 21, 2022)

  1. Implement return to back when using the functionality to view the document log.
  1. (FIXED) The system is incorrectly displaying all groups when editing a specific service.
  2. (FIXED) Undefined issue when creating a services from calendar. 
  3. (FIXED) Issues when saving MTPs as supervisors under specific conditions.

Version 2.61.2 (Sep 10, 2022)

  1. Configuration entry to define the treatment plan’s default duration was added to CMH Configuration.
  2. Improvements to medication management for psychiatrists.

Version 2.60.4 (Sep 4, 2022)

  1. Pre-Admission Medication Form document added to TCM Intake & Legal Forms (allows to Add/Edit/Delete unlimited medications).
  2. Clubhouse Services added to CedrusMed CMH.
  3. Allow Case Managers and Therapists to share their respective programs’ FARS/CFARS clients’ information.
  4. Self-Pay was added as an Insurance option; the system allows you to create any service without needing authorizations to be paid by the client.
  5. Local search by clients added in CMH groups (PSR, GT, CH); the system highlights the found client and expands the corresponding group.
  6. Local filter for billing reports by Supervisors, Case Managers, and Clients implemented for TCM. 
  7. Local filter for billing reports by Clients implemented for CMH. 
  8. CMH pending services report filtered by supervisors implemented.
  9. Active Insurances by insurance report implemented for TCM
  10. The amount column was added to Paid Services report for CMH.
  11. The amount column was added Paid Services report for TCM.
  12. View document activity Log implemented for CMH.
  13. View document activity Log implemented for TCM.
  14. ICD10 code Z71.9 – Counseling, unspecified, added.
  15. Additional reasons added to the discharge summary (CMH)
  1. (FIXED) Follow-up documents are not being sorted correctly (CMH) 
  2. (FIXED) Client search is not working properly when using similar last names (TCM & CMH)
  3. (FIXED) Issue when adding more than 1000 to historical information in Medication Management.
  4. (FIXED) Issue when selecting Group Therapy procedure after choosing a single client procedure when creating a Group Therapy.
  5. (FIXED) When editing a Group Morning and Afternoon are not being selected correctly.

Version 2.59.2 (Aug 10, 2022)

  1. Credential Number & Credential Expiration Date added to employees.
  2. Mark All As Paid implemented for CMH & TCM.

Version 2.58.1 (Jul 20, 2022)

  1. Allow creating PSR (H2017), GT (H2019HQ), and IT (H2019HR) using Office (11) as a place of service.
  2. Allow updating place of service for exiting progress notes when updating the parent service.

Version 2.57.5 (Jun 22, 2022)

  1. Load CMH services on the TCM calendar based on the CMH Overlapping configuration.
  2. ICD-10 F88 was added to CedrusMed.

Version 2.56.2 (Jun 13, 2022)

  1. Face To Face TCM overlapping validation against CMH services implemented.

Version 2.55.3 (May 13, 2022)

  1.  Therapist and supervisor columns added to CMH Excel billing report.
  2. Allow removing supervisors’ signatures from TCM progress notes based on agency configuration.
  1. (FIXED) Issue when navigating from the dashboard to CMH FARS.

Version 2.54.1 (May 5, 2022)

  1. Loading progress notes when editing a case was optimized (TCM).

Version 2.53.1 (May 4, 2022)

  1. Allow restoring a terminated employee.
  2. Allow selecting from multiple places of service when creating a TCM Assessment.

Version 2.52.2 (May 2, 2022)

  1. Allow creating Pre-Authorizations.
  2. Configuration entry allows Case Managers to create pre-authorizations.
  3. Pre-Authorizations added to Active Authorizations report.
  4. Reports entry added to main navigation menu for clerks and staff members.
  5. BehavioralServicesNetworkMMA insurance was added to Medicare.
  6. Terminated employee filters added to supervisors dashboard.

Version 2.51.2 (Apr 27, 2022)

  1. Allow selecting objectives from parent service plan and child addendums when creating a TCM progress note.

Version 2.50.6 (Apr 20, 2022)

  1. CedrusMed University was added to CMH.
  2. Clients by referrals report implemented (TCM & CMH).
  3. Behavioral Services Network MMA insurance was added to Medicare.

Version 2.49.2 (Mar 28, 2022)

  1. Download CMH cases to Excel implemented.
  2. Paid progress notes reports added to TCM. Paid services report added to CMH.
  3. Allow selecting objectives from parent service plan and child addendums when creating a TCM progress note.
  4. Filter by therapists in CMH case list implemented.CMH case list paging mechanism refactored.
  5. Allow adding Other Diagnosis (DxCode 1, DxCode 2) for clients when adding diagnosis.

Version 2.48.6 (Mar 14, 2022)

  1. Telehealth POS 10 (Telehealth Provided in Patient’s Home) was added to CedrusMed in compliance with CMS modifications to the Place of Service (POS) Codes for Telehealth.

Version 2.41.0 (Mar 3, 2022)

  1. CFARS documents added to Download Case service.

Version 2.39.1 (Feb 17, 2022)

  1. Authorization number added to Excel billing report TCM & CMH.

Version 2.38.2 (Feb 10, 2022)

  1. Authorization number added to Excel billing report TCM & CMH.

Version 2.37.5 (Jan 17, 2022)

  1. Allow therapists to complete the Intake and Legal Forms package for CMH.

For information on updates from previous years, please Contact us at 1-888-233-7879.